Photo Inspiration: Matching Sets

I know, I know, I am about 100 years behind on this trend. It's been blowing up the blogosphere and every fashion magazine possible, but honestly, I believe in quantity so instead of hastily finding some mediocre photos for you, I've decided to wait it out.

Instead, I have found some of the most amazing matching sets I've laid eyes on and seriously, if anyone can just buy ANY of these for me, I think I would declare my love for them right then and there.

For now, I guess I'll just love afar...

Ugh, if you guys could see me now, you would see that I am hardcore fangirling and it's slightly pathetic...
But you can't even blame me with these to die for matching sets. Best part? You can mix and match them!
Which one was your favorite? Which one was your least favorite? Let us know down below!

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